NEWS: ‘Sassy-Walk’ to remember and celebrate 18-year-old with Batten disease


‘Batten Fighters Forever’ Sassy Walk marks the birthday of Annabelle Hover, who lost her battle with Batten disease earlier this year.

This walk will commence on the 28th September making a debut walk for the Batten Fighters Forever ‘Sassy Walk’. 

The trail will commence at Christ church, Creekmore following the Castleman Trailway for 18 miles to The Elm Tree, Ringwood.

Mum, Lisa Hover explains “In August 2016, after rapidly losing her sight, followed by years bouncing from one hospital to another to find an explanation, Annabelle was diagnosed with CLN3 Juvenile Batten Disease – one form of a rare inherited condition affecting the nervous system.”

They are aiming to raise £7,000.

In total, 50 walkers make up the team for the trek, all derived of family and friends of Annabelle.

Funds raised by the event will help the Batten Fighters Forever charity continue to support other families and their children.

The charity was the inspiration of Annabelle who came up with the name and ‘BFF’ acronym mirroring the BFF – Best Friends Forever used by teenagers on social media.

Heartbreakingly, Annabelle’s brother has also been diagnosed with CLN3 for which there is currently no cure.

But, like his inspiring mum and dad, he is excited to remember his ‘sassy’ sister with this, the first Sassy Walk.


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