From 15 June 2020, anyone using public transport in England will be required to wear a face mask, in accordance with the latest government guidelines, as we enter the next phase of easing lockdown.
Negotiating a train carriage while in motion and maintaining a two-metre distance from other passengers is a difficult task, and one that, until recently, was less of a concern with the country under full lockdown. Now that lockdown restrictions are easing, more people are taking public transport, causing the risk of spreading the coronavirus to rise. In an effort to combat this, the government has brought in an important new rule: if you take public transport from 15 June onwards, you must be wearing a face covering that covers your nose and mouh. This applies from the moment you enter an enclosed space with the intention to travel, such as a station, port or private hire vehicle.
Failure to comply with the new legislation could result in a £100 fine.
The overall government advice regarding travel remains the same: only travel is it absolutely necessary to do so, and only use public transport if you cannot use your car or walk to your destination.
If you must use public transport, it is important that you travel as infrequently as possible, avoid the busiest times of day and busiest transport routes, and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap as soon as you reach your destination. If you or anyone in your household experiences symptoms of coronavirus, you must not travel.
To make sure you stay on the right side of the law, visit the government website. To help make sure you’re doing everything you can to protect yourself and others when travelling, see the government’s webpage on safe travel.