BUSINESS: Local Businesses Urged to Prepare for Coronoavirus


CEO of Dorset Chamber, Ian Girling, has urged local businesses to be vigilant and proactive with business contingency protocols as the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the UK. 

Dorset Chamber chief executive Ian Girling

As of today the virus has affected 53 people inside the UK and with experts insisting it will continue to spread, concerns are rising over how prepared businesses are, should they find their workplace or operations affected by the illness. 

Ian Girling, the Chief Executive of Dorset Chamber, Dorset’s leading business support organisation, has said: 

“There is no doubt that coronavirus is spreading quickly. We are beginning to see an impact on Dorset businesses. Given the emerging concerns, we’d advice businesses to start to consider any potential issues that may arise and implement any required action. 

Businesses may need to manage the potential economic effect of the disease, including shipping restrictions, increased freight costs, supply chain disruption, staff shortages and travel restrictions. 

Businesses which may be potentially affected include those who rely on products from infected areas, have operations in such areas or have staff travelling overseas who may be subject to restrictions or quarantine. Other businesses may face longer-term cash-flow problems if trade is affected or logistical issues if a pandemic takes hold and is is protracted. School closures would also have a detrimental impact on business.

By taking a calm and measured, yet proactive, approach at this stage, businesses in Dorset will be able to face any issues with their customary confidence and composure.”

 For any business looking for further information on how best to prepare for coronavirus, The Chamber will be issuing official advice and guidance through their website, social media and e-newsletters. 


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