LOCAL: Internet Safety Day reminds parents on how to keep kids safe online


Online safety is never far from a parent’s mind when their children are happily browsing the internet, using social media or taking part in online gaming.

The NSPCC is a registered charity which works to help ensure the general safety and wellbeing of children. They advise that talking regularly about what they’re doing online or who they might be speaking to can help your child feel relaxed. This means that if they do have any worries they will be more likely to speak to you about it. 

The NSPCC suggests being positive but also be open about anything you’re worried about. Informing yourself on what apps your children use and enjoy doing online so that you have an understanding of what they are doing is a good idea too.

It is also suggested to familiarise yourself with any online friends that they have, including how they know them. You can find further advice here on how to discuss sensitive matters with children to help keep them safe. 

It is also possible to set up parental controls on a computer. This will create a safe space where your child can still enjoy time online. Parental controls are a way to put you in control of the content your child can access. These settings are useful tools that can help minimise risks that your child may face. You can follow the easy and straightforward steps to setting up parental controls here

If your child should encounter something upsetting on the internet, UK Safer Internet Centre suggests remaining calm and asking questions to understand how they reached the content. They explain that children normally remember the immediate response of an adult. By remaining calm it will show them they can be honest and turn to you for help. 

What’s happening locally?

Libraries across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole will be holding free internet safety workshops on 11 February for Internet Safety Day. 

A full list of what’s happening and where is available here.


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