Wimborne Horticultural Society (WHS) are in need of a new logo- could you be the winning artist?
After being in existence for 160 years, the WHS are now looking to design a new logo to carry them into the new decade. Therefore, they are pleased to announce the opening of their Logo Design Competition.
They are urging everyone to get involved. Whether you are a student, artist or just a keen doodler you could win a variety of prizes:
- £50 Gift Card
- Faber-Castell Art Set to the value of £50
- Signed copy of local artist Alison C. Board’s new book and DVD
‘A Beginner’s Guide to Watercolour with Mixed Media’ - SAA prize, to be advised
- Framed copy of the winning logo
To enter the competition, the only requirement is that you are a resident of Wimborne or its surrounding areas. The entry can be a drawing, painting or computer design. Each entry will be judged on originality, creativity and suitability.
It is worth noting that the logo may have to be reproduced in black and white as well as colour.
The closing date for the competition is Monday 30 March 2020.
Finalists will have their work displayed at the WHS Spring Show held at The Allendale Community Centre, Wimborne on Saturday 11 April 2020– 12 noon to 4pm. The winner will be announced during the prize giving.
For detailed information , including rules, visit the Competition Page of www.wimbornehorticulturalsociety.btck.co.uk
Any queries should be to the Competition Secretary at wimbornehorticulturalsociety@gmail.com