LOCAL NEWS: Parents of 2 year olds could get childcare funding under current rules


If you have a child that’s two-years-old or will be turning two shortly, you may be eligible for childcare funding.

Funding covers up to 15 hours of childcare a week for 38 weeks of the year. This can be used at local nurseries, pre-schools and childminders. If you are on certain benefits or on a low income you may be entitled to this funding. Check if you are eligible for funding here.

When you apply online, an instant response is provided. Following this, a code will be provided to give to your childcare provider. To apply in person or for help finding a childcare place information is available at the Family Information Service Welcome Area in Poole or the Children’s Information Service Welcome Area in Bournemouth. 

Further information is available on the Family Information Directory website.


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