LOCAL NEWS: Hunger Hill improvements resume – delays expected


Works to improve access to the town and enhance nearby public spaces have resumed in the Townside and Hunger Hill area of Poole.

The work to improve access to the town and enhance nearby public spaces will form the final phase of Townside and Hunger Hill improvement scheme.

The upcoming works will be focused around continuing to improve links for pedestrians, cyclists and other road users along several key routes.

The scheme was previously put on hold whist the Twin Sails bridge was unavailable.

The works will take place along West Street and West Quary Road, south of Bay Hog Lane for approximately 4 months.

The works will involve

  • Completing re-alignment of the carriegeway to create wide footway and cycle ways.
  • Installing new wayfinding signs.
  • Replacing and improving street lighting.
  • Installing new pedestrian and cycling crossing locations
  • Improving the Quary footway and junction
  • Resurfacing footways and carriageways
  • Highway treatments to encourage appropriate vehicle speeds.
  • The installation of new planting, artworks and paths.

Councillor Andy Hadley, Cabinet Member for transport and Infrastructure said:

“These works are part of our plans to revitalise the area, contributing greatly towards enhancing connectivity to the town centre, supporting sustainable travel and providing new green spaces for local people to enjoy.”

“We recognise the disruption that has been experienced over the last year. We will endeavour to keep this to a minimum, and complete these works as quickly as possible, but to maintain the safety of both the public and our workforce, various traffic management arrangements will be required.”

This scheme is funded by the Dorset Local Enterprise partnership, who secured £9.6m to deliver the Townside and Hunger Hill improvement scheme through the government’s local growth fund.


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