We took to the streets on the day before the General Election to find out what people are thinking as the big day is right around the corner.
“I guess I’m going to vote Labour because I don’t like the Conservatives very much because they don’t do anything for me. I think there’ll be a hung parliament most likely but it’s a bit unseasy as no one knows which way it’s going to go.” – Megan, Bournemouth
“I think at the moment it’s an absolute shamble, the election this year is horror stories and screw tactics between all the various political parties. I’m dead against it. I’m a Boris [Johnson] supporter and I find the people attacking him is disgraceful…they haven’t got the money, nobody’s got the money.” – John, Poole
“I’m sort of worried as I don’t really know what’s going to happen. I’ll be voting Labour, so I’d like to think that in my mind, the moral compass will win this but with slander of newspapers and everything, there’s a very high chance that it’s going to go badly. I think more people need to turn up to vote but I think the average person has been swayed so heavily towards anti-Labour and anti-left that I’m not completely sure what’s going to happen.”
“Why don’t we vote? Because basically they’re liars. Some of them say they’re going to spend millions on the NHS and things, but it isn’t happening because they haven’t got the money to do it. It’s all to do with BREXIT as far as I can make out. I think people would vote differently now, knowing what’s happening”. – Paul and Keri, Yoevil, visiting Poole
“If I was allowed, I would vote, but not Conservatives or Labour, maybe Liberal Democrats. I think Conservatives will win anyway – I’m just looking for a good way for Brexit to get done, because it’s 3 years now and it damages everyone.” – Nasos, Bournemouth
“Boris would be better, that’s all I can say. I haven’t seen a great deal of the campaigning but I just get the feeling that he will make a good Prime Minister.” – John, Winton
“I have mixed feelings really, there’s nothing promising coming up ahead and they’re telling you what you want to hear at the moment so it’s a case of who do you believe the most? I think a lot of people are uncertain who to vote for now. I think Brexit has put a big spanner in the works but I’m going to go with Corbyn because of what he’s saying about the NHS and nationalising the railway and to be fair to Corbyn, he’s the only one who doesn’t hide that he’s going to put taxes up. But we’ll see – they’ll promise you the earth until they get in.”
“It’s just pathetic, utterly pathetic, the whole election process. I think our politicians have lost all credibility – we used to view our politicians with respect. I think they’re contemptable now because they are not reliable in their responses. I find it really sad because we have a democracy that we all should subscribe to.” – Angela, Winton
It’s clear to see that people from all over Bournemouth Poole and Christchurch have their own opinion on the election and who they’re going to vote for.
Have you decided yet? Get down to your local polling station tomorrow to vote and have your say.