Updated plans have been submitted to build 170 homes where Christchurch’s old police station is built.
The new proposals were submitted to BCP Council earlier this month by Aster Group.
The blueprints show 131 residential homes, 39 age-restricted sheltered accommodations and areas of commercial and community space. They have also proposed new roads, gardens and 190 parking spaces.
If approved, the 143,000 square foot Barrack Road site will need to be demolished – including the police station, magistrates court and Goose and Timber pub.
The plans were originally put forwards last year, but were changed to ease local concern. The changes include safe pedestrian crossings, more trees and a new bus stop.
The site will contain bird and bat boxes, an ecology corridor and native planting of shrubs and trees to increase the area’s ecological importance.
Aster have said that the housing will be affordable, with education contributions and waste arrangements.
In response to worries that the site would be overcrowded, Aster told BH Living: “The planning policy expectation is that the development should make full and efficient use of the land, whilst respecting local distinctiveness and the important characteristics of the area.
“Taking account of the positive view from the Council’s conservation adviser, Aster considers that the development strikes the appropriate balance.
“This is a town centre site where a low or medium density development would be both wasteful and inappropriate.
“The size of private amenity space for the proposed units has been carefully designed and is consistent with urban living. Generally, each house has a garden that is comparable to its own building footprint.”
The site is currently deserted after being occupied by travellers and squatters several times since it closed in 2015.
The full plans can be found at BCP council’s website, using the references 8/18/3263/FUL and 8/18/3264/DCONS.
Comments can be made until 21st November 2019.