The people nominated to stand for election on Thursday 12 December have been announced.
If you are not already registered to vote in the general election, remember to register before the deadline at 11.59pm on 26 November. If you are already registered to vote, you do not need to register again unless you move or your entitlement changes. In order to register, you must be on the Electoral Register and attend the polling station allocated for the area you live in (polling district), unless you have set up a postal or proxy vote. To register online, click here.
If you are unable to visit a polling station in person on the day of the election, you can set up a postal vote. You can return your postal vote application form via post or email. Please ensure that you have signed the form before returning it. To find out more, click here.
If you are unable to vote in person, you can ask someone to vote on your behalf – a proxy vote. You can ask anyone to act as your proxy, as long as they’re registered to vote themselves and they’re allowed to vote in the same type of election. You can be a proxy for 2 people at the same election. To find out more click here.
To find out who’s been nominated to stand in your area:
Click here for Bournemouth East Constituency.
Click here for Bournemouth West Constituency.
Click here for Christchurch Constituency.
Click here for Mid Dorset and North Poole Constituency.
Click here for Poole Constituency.