Hendy Toyota in Bournemouth and Salisbury are encouraging local children to use their creative skills and imaginations to design vehicles for the future in the 2020 Toyota Dream Car Art Contest.
This global competition has now reached its UK stage and it is inviting any children up to the age of 15 to take part. Participants will be asked to create a form of transport or technology that gives people the ability to move on land, sea or air while remaining environmentally friendly.
Entrants will need to draw or paint their dream vehicle against a background that shows how and where they imagine it being driven. They will also be required to explain how their vehicle works and what makes it unique. Submissions must be hand-drawn or painted, and paper must be A3 size or smaller.
The age categories are eight and under, eight to 11 and 12 to 15 years old and there will be gold, silver and bronze winners in each category. Contestants will be in for a chance to win iPads and tablets and the winning entries will be put forward into the global competition for the opportunity to win a trip to Japan in 2021.
Julian Saunders, brand manager at Hendy Toyota, says: “This competition provides a fantastic opportunity for children to use their creativity to draw or paint their dream vehicle, a next generation vehicle that can benefit the planet – whether that be a vehicle that collects rubbish on land or sea or perhaps a mode of transport that collects and cares for the homeless. As we represent the Toyota brand in Dorset and Wiltshire, we encourage the regions children to enter the UK competition with the chance to go onto the global stage and be recognised for their creative skills.”
Entry forms can be downloaded here and the closing date for entries is 20 January 2020.