The Gallery Upstairs, above the tearooms, in the lovely surroundings of Upton Country Park, invites Artists in any visual art medium (except photography & video), living within a 15 mile radius of Poole, to create new and original work for exhibition at the Upton Country Park Open 2019.
There’s no theme this year so it’s a wonderful opportunity for local artists to enter their most interesting work. The Selector this year is Julie Herring MA. ‘Handing in’ day is Weds 27 November.
For information, terms and conditions and entry form email:, or download the Entry Form from or
The exhibition will take place from 30 November – 19 December 2019, 10am – 4pm at The Gallery Upstairs, Upton Country Park, Poole, BH17 7B. Admission is free but there is small parking charge.
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