LOCAL NEWS: Bournemouth rewarded for its safe and vibrant nightlife


Bournemouth has again been awarded the prestigious purple flag status for 2019/2020 for its evening and night-time economy (ENTE) which it first won in 2010.

This award is for areas recognised for providing a vibrant and diverse mix of dining, entertainment and culture while promoting the safety and well being of visitors and local residents. The award is similar to the Blue Flag for beaches and it aims to raise the standard and broaden the appeal of town and city centres between the hours of 5pm to 5am. 

Since 2007, the programme has awarded the Purple Flag status to over 70 towns and cities in the UK and Ireland. Purple Flag accredited areas have all reported a consistent increase in footfall and a decrease in crime within the evening and night time economy. It is a programme managed by the Association of Town and City Management which works alongside a partnership of key stakeholder groups backed by the government, police and businesses. 

Sarah Walker, the Purple Flag Programme Manager at the Association of Town and City Management said: “There are now over 70 towns and cities across the UK and Ireland who are proudly flying the Purple Flag after working hard to gain accreditation.

“The award is not just about safety, but also the vibrancy and diversity of the evening and night-time offer — this can only be achieved by people working together in a strong partnership to which we are seeing great examples of across the country.”

Bournemouth has been shortlisted for the Movement Award

For each of the three annual assessment periods, individual towns are shortlisted to receive one of five awards that represent the core agenda themes of Wellbeing, Movement, Appeal, Place and Policy Envelope. Bournemouth has been told that the town has been shortlisted for the Movement Award which is an achievement in itself. It also celebrates the work of other partners in the town including More Bus and Yellow Bus who operate the night time services. 

Councillor Lewis Allison is the portfolio holder for tourism and the night time economy. She said: “We are proud to have been awarded the Purple Flag for the current year which recognises the huge amount of work by all our partners in the ENTE, and really delighted that we have been shortlisted for the additional award of Movement.”

The award of Movement will be announced at the Association of Town and City Management Summer School in June 2020. 

For more information about the Purple Flag award visit the ATCM’s website.


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