LOCAL NEWS: Apply for a school place for September 2020


It’s time to apply for a school place for September 2020.

If you have a child about to start reception, transfer to a Junior or Middle school or Secondary school in September 2020 then here is the information you need.

The deadline for applications to Secondary and Upper schools is 31st October 2019 with results being confirmed and released on 1st March 2020.

For Reception and Junior or Middle schools, the deadline for applications is 15th January 2020 with results being confirmed and released on 16th April 2020. 

You can apply for a school place either online or by a paper form which you can get from your local council. 

There are several ways in which you can decide on what school you would like your child to go to such as catchment areas, Ofsted reports, league tables or the Progress 8 score. 

Find out more information about secondary schools on page 22 in our latest edition of our magazine. 

For more information or to apply for a school visit the BCP Council’s website


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