TRAVEL: Ever wondered what happens to your parking fines?


Surplus funds made through parking fines and on-street parking charges are reinvested to improve local transport services.

Extra money raised from these fees is used to improve car parking facilities, facilitate public passenger transport and improve the town’s road network.

All of these changes benefit road users, both residents and visitors, in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

This reinvestment is in line with the provisions of Section 88, Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004, and Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, in relation to on-street parking places.

However, income from off-street parking places is not subject to Section 55 of the 1984 Act. Instead, this surplus can be used to help deliver different services.In particular, to the more vulnerable members of our community, such as social care or education. 

In addition, this can help to minimise cuts required to balance the council’s overall budget. 

Gary Powell, Head of Highways and Transportation, BCP Council, said: “This year only 1.1% of the Council’s budget comes from Government grants and in order to protect front line services, councils have to source other forms of income.

“Using this surplus means the Council is not relying on any money raised through Council Tax so the Council Tax levels can be kept as low as possible.”

“It also means that we can review car parking charges and last year we were pleased to be able to maintain existing levels of car parking charges across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole with no increases to fees.”

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