BUSINESS: Learn about the apprenticeship levy


How is your business affected by the apprenticeship levy? Find out more about it on 27 June.

If you’re interested in how the levy will change the way your business operates or if you’d like to know what apprentices bring to your business, attend the event on 27 June at the RNLI College between 5pm and 7pm.

This event is aimed at the business community and will cover all aspects of the apprenticeship scheme as well as providing networking opportunities.

Speakers at the event include Lynne Mason, Apprenticeship & Early Careers Manager of RNLI; Crescens George, CEO of Wiser Academy and HR Director of Be Wiser Insurance; and Stour Valley and Poole Partnership.

The apprenticeship levy is a government policy changing the way in which apprenticeships are funded in the UK, every business with a wage bill over £3m per annum must pay the levy – even if they don’t have an apprentice.

For more information about the levy click here, and to attend the event register here.


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