Claire Bath
Candidate for Mudeford, Stanpit and West Highcliffe Ward
I am standing in the BCP election because I love Christchurch and in particular the ward that I have been a Councillor for eight years and where I live.
As a community midwife in Christchurch for many years I have met and understood the issues that affect Christchurch residents from all walks of life. I brought my three children up in Christchurch and have lived her for nearly 40 years.
I am passionate about protecting the unique environment and heritage of Christchurch in the new BCP council structure.
As a local Councillor I am proud to have:
- Worked with residents to spearhead the council process to fund and rebuild Highcliffe Castle Zig-Zag path that was going to be closed and removed
- Reduced the housing waiting list from thousands to hundreds, providing more appropriate support for local people through signposting them to affordable housing options
- Instigated the Christchurch Coastal Strategy, working with a blank sheet of paper to create a document that was resident led to ensure our coastline remains the special place we all love
- Worked with the Chamber of Trade to achieve £1 for two hours parking in Christchurch town
- Created the growth strategy to support growth in local business, to provide skilled employment for local people
- Commenced ‘fields in trust status’ to protect Steamer Point Open Space from risk of development
There is still lots to do and some of my priorities are to:
- Reduce traffic congestion and air pollution around Christchurch and ensure there is the infrastructure to support any additional homes
- Improve the management of parking on the streets around our coastline and beaches
- Protect our local tip and increase recycling in Christchurch.
- Maintain and improve bin collection in Christchurch.
- Protect and improve our open spaces and green belt from inappropriate development
I always respond quickly to local residents concerns and work with them as their local representative on the council.
Thanks for reading this, I hope you will support me with your vote to continue to do the best for the residents of Mudeford, Stanpit and West Highcliffe,
Claire Bath
1 Comment
We have just moved into Mudeford after 30 years of hard public service. We searched long and hard for a bungalow with a private garden. To our horror the first letter we opened after moving in was a planning application from the bungalow behind us to extend up to another level with a huge window that will look into our currently private garden. There are also bats that circle the bungalow behind in the late evening. We have objected to the application, but can you assist or signpost to some Councillor support. Surely the allowing of bungalows to be changed into houses is an ageist and disablist policy. I have had two back surgeries and people who are elderly need bungalows. Can it really be allowed that bungalows are changed into houses when the development is that of bungalows and amongst retirees?