COMMONS: Lisle Smith – Conservative


Dear Editor

I am not just a Conservative, I am a Teacher of Computer science at a school for children with special needs, a Student reading a degree in Psychology, a mother and a Grandmother.

I believe in opportunity not entitlement.

I believe in fighting for what matters.

What matters is insuring good financial management in this world of ever decreasing funds

What matters is safe guarding children and adults

What matters is protecting our jobs and providing opportunities for our young people.

What matters is protecting our unique town, its heritage and environment

What matters is being able to change how services are provided, to make them better

What matters is how we grasp opportunity afforded by forming a new council

What matters is that Christchurch has the right representation in the new authority, that Christchurch’s voice is heard. I am already making Christchurch’s voice heard, by being the deputy Chairman of the BCP shadow conservative group – the majority group on the shadow authority, by being the vice chairman of the shadow authority overview and scrutiny committee – scrutinizing all decisions made by the shadow executive.

I recognize that not everyone has bought into the LGR agenda from the beginning but what matters now is how we design our future together.

I will be there to represent the interests of ALL residents, ensuring that you all receive the services you need.

For Christchurch to have a voice we need to elect the members of the majority group, it is they that will make the decisions that will form this new Council.

It is vital that that we elect strong voices that can see past the popular decisions and make pragmatic sensible choices to insure the future care of our elderly and vulnerable population. These are the choices that should matter to the residents, these are the decisions that affect everyday lives.

These are the decisions I am passionate about.

I am the voice YOU should vote for.

Councillor Lisle Smith

Councillor for Portfield

Candidate for Commons


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