Hi, I am Wendy Grace and I am one of your two official Conservative candidates for Burton and Grange Ward. I have been a hard working Councillor for the last four years, living in the Borough for the last 27 years.
I have great knowledge of the local schools in our area and my son went through the system here in Christchurch, you may even know my face from my market stall which until recently I ran in Christchurch High Street. I have also been actively involved in the RNLI Funday and the Christmas Festival.
Locally I am passionate about the buses here in Burton, the traffic chaos we have to endure in Christchurch but also about the care and vulnerable, if elected these are issues I will be strongly campaign for.
I am strongly committed to protecting the unique character of Christchurch, especially in Burton and Somerford but I am also keen to create more affordable homes and skilled jobs for Christchurch people.
I ask for your support on 2 May as we need to ensure Christchurch continues to enjoy a strong conservative voice on the new council
If you have any local issues and wish to write to me then please email on: gracie7060@live.co.uk