Caremark Poole & East Dorset, an in-home care provider based in Bournemouth, has been awarded a GOOD rating from the Care Quality Comission (CQC).
Martin Hall, Managing Director, is thrilled to celebrate the result with his team of local care workers and Care Manager Charlotte Benham.
The team of office staff and care workers were said to deliver an overall quality of care that is safe, effective, caring and responsive, and the management team were commended for operating a well-led organisation.
The report noted that: “People were supported and treated with dignity and respect; and involved as partners in their care. People we spoke with told us staff respected their privacy and dignity and staff were aware of their responsibilities to ensure this was prompted.
“People’s personal information was kept secure and staff understood the importance of maintaining secure documents and care records to ensure people’s confidentiality was maintained.”
The inspectors spent four days monitoring them, and also commented that: “The service was consistently managed and well-lead. Leaders and the culture they created promoted high-quality, person-centred care. There was a clear management structure in place.
“Staff spoke knowledgeably about their responsibilities within their role and told us they all worked very well together as a team. They were confident in the quality of care and support they were able to offer people.”
Compassionate Martin launched Caremark Poole & East Dorset over a decade ago, in 2008, after working as an engineer. He wanted to launch an in-home care company to make a positive impact on vulnerable people living locally.
He said: “I’m proud to employ such a wonderful team and offer them career opportunities in what can be a very rewarding, yet demanding role.
“This result is a real testament to their dedication to providing a great quality of care to vulnerable people living in Dorset. I’m so pleased to celebrate with my team and would like to thank them for their continued support.”
This was the seventh CQC inspection carried out on Caremark Poole & East Dorset. Charlotte, who joined the team in July 2017 is constantly inspired by the team she works with.
“It’s a wonderful feeling to come to work every day and be surrounded by people who are so committed. Improving the lives of our clients each day brings a huge sense of wellbeing.
“I think it’s important to take a step back once in a while to recognise our achievements and this rating from CQC is one of those chances.”