The Diverse Abilities Advice Team has helped hundreds of people create and register a lasting power of attorney and Nikki Haswell, the manager of the team, would like to inform local people that the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) recently announced refunds are due for those that registered an LPA between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2017.
Refunds are being offered to people who were charged more than necessary to apply to register their lasting power of attorney. The refund scheme has been set up as more people applied to register their lasting of attorney documents during this time period and the OPG’s operating costs came down due to the process becoming more efficient, but the application fee charged was not reduced in line quickly enough.
Nikki said: “Making a claim is quick and simple using the online services. Only one form needs to be completed per person and OPG will find all power of attorney application fees paid during the qualifying period. Full guidance for those applying is available online and there is a dedicated refunds service helpline for those that need it.”
If you registered for an LPA between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2017 visit to process the refund application or call 0300 456 0300 to speak to the OPG contact centre.
If you would like any assistance from the Diverse Abilities Advice Team call 0300 330 5514 or find out more at