TRAVEL: Disruption expected as Bournemouth’s Bath Hill is closed to southbound traffic until May 27


From Monday 9 May until Friday 27 May, a partial road closure and associated traffic diversion will be in place to carry out works to replace sections of road surface on Bath Road.

In a continuing response to road damage, in part caused as a result of the severe winters experienced, the Council are set to undertake the second phase of road repairs on Bath Road, between St Peter’s Roundabout and the Lansdowne Roundabout.

A signed diversion will be in place to divert southbound traffic around Bath Road via Gervis Road and Meyrick Road for the duration of the works. Access to properties along this section of Bath Road will be maintained where possible.

Information regarding the changes to local buses will be displayed at the stops affected and available through the various operators.

Whilst every effort has been made to minimise the disruption to the travelling public over this period, we are asking drivers to consider the possible traffic delays around these times when planning their journeys.

Gary Powell, Head of Traffic Management, said:

“These works have been planned and co-ordinated to ensure they are completed by the Wheels Festival and summer season. The highway works will be carried out over a number of extended daytime shifts and additional shifts on Saturday and Sunday where required, reducing the overall duration and impact on motorists using this route.”


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