NEWS: Free soft drinks in over 50 pubs to help stop drink driving


Dorset police have launched the Lift Legend Christmas drink drive campaign to give all the designate drivers free soft drinks on a night out with over 50 licenced places onboard.

Starting from Wednesday 1 December 2021 and continuing until 1 January 2022, the campaign is set in place to try and prevent a rise in road offences caused by drink driving over the Christmas period. While the campaign is on, officers will be raising awareness towards the potential dangers and keeping on the lookout.

When a driver buys a soft drink for the first time on a night out they will be given a voucher for a second drink completely free at the places taking part in the campaign. 

Police Officers will be carrying out site checks to ensure that those enjoying a night out will follow the rules and will be making sure they understand the risks of driving after having a drink. If a driver commits a road offence, they will be asked to take a breath test regardless of if they have been suspected of drinking or not.

Superintendent Adrian Leisk, of the roads policing team, said:

“It is vital we do all we can to ensure anyone on a night out is able to get home safely. Our new initiative aims to encourage those heading out for the night to plan who is going to be their Lift Legend.

Reports from Dorset Police show that drink and drug driving still accounts for 15 per cent of road deaths and almost 10,000 casualties nationally each year and that during the last campaign carried out over Christmas, officers in Dorset carried out 475 breath tests and charged 46 people with a drink drive-related offence. 

The Police asks that, if you know of somebody who has been drinking or taking drugs and is about to drive, then to please call 999 with the make and model of the vehicle, the registration and the direction they are travelling.


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