NEWS: ‘Be a vaccine champion’ as NHS looks to rollout more vaccines


The NHS is calling for people to help provide a source of information to those who have not yet received the vaccine as another rollout is planned.

The NHS is hoping to rollout more vaccines to get as many people vaccinated as possible and hopefully reduce the chance of infections from COVID-19 across the UK. To improve public relations and help those who are hesitant to receive the vaccine, the NHS is looking for people who can provide information on the vaccine and reassure those who have not yet been jabbed.

Those who take the position will be given full training by the NHS and will have their travel expenses paid for so they can go wherever they are needed. It is important that any worries and concerns from the public are heard and addressed so any misconceptions about the vaccine are cleared up as they be holding many back from being vaccinated against COVID-19,

Positions are open to anyone who wishes to help support the vaccine program and particularly those who are:

  • From locally ethnically diverse communities, including Gypsies, Roma and Travellers.
  • Engaged with the homeless population.
  • Asian/British Asian
  • Black British/African/Caribbean
  • White Polish
  • Working with or supporting undocumented/unregistered migrants
  • Working with people with learning difficulties or mental health issues

As most of the public across the UK have now been vaccinated, it’s important to convince those who have not yet done so to book appointments reduce the chance of COVID-19 infection and another possible outbreak. If you would like to volunteer then you can find more information here.


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